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How Many Crickets to Feed a Bearded Dragon? From Baby to Adult

How Many Crickets to Feed a Bearded Dragon? From Baby to Adult

Bearded dragons are popular pets, known for their unique personalities and easy-going nature. As bearded dragon owners, one of the most important aspects of their care is diet and nutrition. A balanced diet is essential for their overall health and well-being. A key component of their diet is the inclusion of crickets, which provides essential protein and nutrients.

When it comes to feeding crickets to your bearded dragon, the ideal number to give them depends on several factors, including their age, size, and activity level. For example, young bearded dragons require more crickets per day than their adult counterparts. Ensuring that you feed the right amount of crickets is crucial to their growth and development.

Understanding the needs of your bearded dragon at its various life stages is essential to provide it with the best possible care. As you become familiar with these guidelines, you’ll be well-equipped to offer your bearded dragon a nutritious and well-rounded diet, helping to keep them healthy and thriving.

Feeding Stages

Baby Bearded Dragon

During the baby stage, which is typically under 3 months old, your bearded dragon will need plenty of insects for their rapid growth. You should feed your baby bearded dragon 10 to 20 crickets per feeding session, up to 5 times a day. This can result in a total of 50 to 100 crickets per day. Ensure the crickets are no larger than the space between your bearded dragon’s eyes. Each feeding session should be between 5 to 10 minutes, allowing them to eat as much as they can during that time. Observe their appetite and weight to adjust the quantity accordingly.

Juvenile Bearded Dragon

When your bearded dragon is between 3 to 12 months old, they will be considered in their juvenile stage. At this point, their diet should be composed of about 50% live insects and 50% plants. Reduce the feeding frequency to 2 to 3 times per day. A healthy juvenile bearded dragon can consume 20 to 60 crickets a week. Make sure to continue providing crickets that are no larger than the space between their eyes. Monitor their weight and adjust the insect quantity and feeding frequency based on their growth and energy levels.

Adult Bearded Dragon

As your bearded dragon reaches adulthood, their dietary requirements shift further towards plant-based foods. Adult bearded dragons should have a diet composed of around 80% plants and 20% live insects. Feed your adult bearded dragon considerably fewer crickets than during their younger stages. Offer insects once every few days or even once a week. Ensure proper nutrition by providing a variety of vegetables, fruits, and other plant-based foods, along with the insects. Monitor your bearded dragon’s weight and adjust their diet according to their needs, ensuring they maintain a healthy weight and energy level throughout their adult life.

Determining Cricket Quantity

Factors Influencing Cricket Intake

When determining how many crickets to feed your bearded dragon, several factors come into play, including age, size, weight, and activity levels. Understanding these factors can help you provide the proper diet and nutrition for your pet.

Age: Bearded dragons have different cricket intake requirements depending on their age.

  • Baby bearded dragons (0-4 months) may eat 25-80 crickets per day
  • Juveniles (3-12 months) can consume 20-60 crickets a week, with 2-3 feedings per day
  • Adult bearded dragons (over 18 months) might consume 10-20 crickets per day or 20-30 crickets every other day

Size and Weight: Larger or heavier bearded dragons may require more crickets than smaller or lighter ones. Alternatively, if your bearded dragon is overweight, you may need to reduce their cricket intake.

Activity Levels: Active bearded dragons will need more crickets as they burn more energy. Monitor your bearded dragon’s activity levels and adjust their cricket intake accordingly.

When feeding crickets to your bearded dragon, consider the following guidelines:

  • Offer crickets that are no larger than the space between your bearded dragon’s eyes
  • Provide a feeding session of 5-10 minutes for baby dragons
  • Allow juvenile and adult dragons to eat as many crickets as they like within their respective time frames

Remember not to overfeed your bearded dragon, as this can lead to obesity and a variety of health issues. Regularly monitor your pet’s weight, size, and appetite to make necessary adjustments to their cricket intake.

Feeding Frequency

Feedings Per Day

When it comes to feeding your bearded dragon crickets, it’s important to consider their age and activity levels.

For baby bearded dragons (under 3 months old), you should offer crickets up to 5 times a day. Allow them to eat as many crickets as they want in a 5 to 10-minute session. As they grow, their dietary needs change. From 3 to 12 months old, you should reduce the feeding frequency to 2-3 times a day.

Keep in mind:

  • Offer 25-80 crickets per day for baby bearded dragons.
  • Juvenile dragons (3-12 months) can eat about 25-60 crickets per day.
  • Adult bearded dragons should be fed around 10-20 crickets per day.

Remember to adjust the number of crickets based on their size and activity level. Always monitor your bearded dragon’s weight during these stages.

In addition to crickets, it’s essential to provide a varied diet for your bearded dragon, incorporating greens, vegetables, and fruits. Don’t forget to dust their food with calcium and multivitamins for a balanced diet.

Creating a proper feeding schedule for your bearded dragon ensures they receive the nutrients they need to grow and stay healthy. By adhering to the appropriate feeding schedule based on their age and activity levels, you’ll contribute to your bearded dragon’s overall well-being.

Cricket Size and Nutritional Value

Appropriate Cricket Size

When feeding your bearded dragon crickets, it is crucial to consider the size of crickets. The general rule is to offer crickets no larger than the space between your bearded dragon’s eyes. This ensures easy digestion and prevents possible choking hazards.

  • Baby Bearded Dragons: At this stage, your bearded dragon will thrive on pinhead crickets or crickets that are less than 1/4″ long.
  • Juvenile Bearded Dragons: As they grow, you can increase cricket size to around 3/8″ long.
  • Adult Bearded Dragons: Medium-sized crickets, approximately 1/2″ to 5/8″ long, are perfect for adult bearded dragons.

It is essential to feed your dragon live crickets, as dead crickets may have begun to decompose, which can lead to potential health issues. Live crickets are also more enticing and stimulate your bearded dragon’s hunting instincts.

Nutritional Supplements

Crickets alone may not provide all the necessary nutrients for your bearded dragon. Adding nutritional supplements in the form of powder can enhance the nutritional value of the crickets:

  1. Calcium Powder: Dust the crickets with calcium powder 3-4 times a week for juveniles and 1-2 times a week for adults. This ensures your bearded dragon gets enough calcium for bone growth and overall health.
  2. Multivitamin Powder: Supplementing with multivitamin powder is essential for general well-being. Dust the crickets with this powder once a week for juveniles and once every two weeks for adults.

To dust crickets with supplements, place them in a plastic bag or container, add the appropriate amount of powder, and gently shake. This will ensure even coating and enhance the nutrient intake for your bearded dragon.

Remember to maintain diversity in your bearded dragon’s diet by offering other feeder insects and vegetables alongside crickets. By doing so, you are ensuring proper nutrition and overall health for your pet.

Feeding Tips and Precautions

Monitoring Your Bearded Dragon’s Diet

To ensure your bearded dragon’s health, it’s important to monitor their diet closely. Here are some guidelines you should follow:

  • For baby bearded dragons (0-3 months old), offer 10 to 20 crickets per feeding, up to 5 times a day.
  • For juvenile bearded dragons (3-12 months old), reduce the frequency to 2 to 3 feedings per day.
  • Adult bearded dragons should be offered 10-20 crickets per feeding session, 2-3 times per week.

Keep track of your dragon’s appetite and adjust the number of crickets accordingly. As your bearded dragon grows older, you should gradually decrease the number of crickets and increase the proportion of greens and vegetables in their diet.

Avoiding Overfeeding and Underfeeding

Be vigilant when it comes to overfeeding or underfeeding your bearded dragon. This can lead to health issues such as obesity, growth problems, or malnutrition. Here are some tips to avoid these issues:

  • Always remove any uneaten crickets or veggies from the tank to prevent spoilage.
  • Observe your dragon’s behavior and body condition for any changes. If your dragon appears overweight or underweight, adjust feeding habits and consult a veterinarian.
  • Weigh your bearded dragon regularly to track growth and overall health.

By following these tips, you can manage your bearded dragon’s dietary needs and keep them healthy and happy.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Different Insects in Different Stages of Life?

Yes, feeding bearded dragon roaches is suitable at different stages of their lives. As hatchlings, they can eat small insects like baby roaches, while adult bearded dragons can consume larger roaches. It’s important to vary their diet to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients at every stage of their life.

Alternative Food Options

Besides crickets, there are many other food options that you can provide for your bearded dragon to meet their dietary requirements. In this section, we will discuss alternative food sources, including insects and invertebrates, as well as vegetables and fruits.

Insects and Invertebrates

In addition to crickets, your bearded dragon can consume a variety of other insects and invertebrates. Some popular choices include:

  • Mealworms
  • Waxworms
  • Dubia roaches
  • Earthworms
  • Silkworms

Provide a mix of these insects in your bearded dragon’s diet to ensure they receive a balanced nutrition intake. The frequency and amount of insects in your dragon’s diet depend on their age and size; younger dragons generally require more protein from insects than adults do.

Vegetables and Fruits

While insects make up a significant part of your bearded dragon’s diet, it is essential to include a mix of vegetables and fruits to ensure they receive proper nutrients. Some suitable vegetables and fruits for your bearded dragon include:


  • Collard greens
  • Mustard greens
  • Bell peppers
  • Squash
  • Carrots


  • Blueberries
  • Raspberries
  • Kiwi
  • Mango
  • Strawberries

Remember to chop these into small, manageable pieces for your bearded dragon to eat easily. As a general rule of thumb, vegetables should make up a more significant portion of your dragon’s plant-based diet than fruits.

In summary, while crickets are an essential staple in your bearded dragon’s diet, incorporating alternative food sources such as other insects and invertebrates, as well as a mix of vegetables and fruits, will provide the balanced nutrition your bearded dragon needs to thrive.

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