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Can Bearded Dragons Be Leash Trained? Harness and Leash Training

Can Bearded Dragons Be Leash Trained? A Guide to Leash Training Your Dragon

If you’re a bearded dragon owner, you may have wondered whether or not you can leash-train your pet. The answer is yes, but it’s important to keep in mind that not all bearded dragons will take to a leash. Just like with any pet, leash training depends on your bearded dragon’s individual personality.

Leash training your bearded dragon can be a fun way to bond with your pet and provide them with some exercise outside of their enclosure. However, it’s important to make sure that you’re using the proper equipment and techniques to ensure your bearded dragon’s safety and comfort. This includes using a properly fitting harness and leash, and taking the time to train your bearded dragon to accept the leash. With patience and dedication, you can successfully leash train your bearded dragon and enjoy walks together.

Can Bearded Dragons Be Leash Trained?

If you’re wondering whether or not your bearded dragon can be leash trained, the answer is yes! Bearded dragons can be trained to walk on a leash, but it requires patience and dedication. Here are some things to consider before starting leash training.

Why Leash Train Your Bearded Dragon

Leash training your bearded dragon can provide many benefits. It can be a great way to give your pet some exercise and fresh air while keeping them safe. It also allows you to bond with your pet and can be a fun activity for both of you.

Is Your Bearded Dragon a Good Candidate for Leash Training?

Not all bearded dragons are good candidates for leash training. It depends on their individual personality. If your bearded dragon is generally calm and enjoys being handled, they may be more receptive to leash training. However, if your bearded dragon is easily stressed or aggressive, leash training may not be the best option.

How to Leash Train Your Bearded Dragon

Here are some steps to follow when leash training your bearded dragon:

  1. Introduce your bearded dragon to the harness or leash gradually. Let them explore it with their hands first before putting it on them for walks outside of the cage.

  2. Once your bearded dragon is comfortable with the harness or leash, start by taking short walks around the house or in a quiet area outside.

  3. Gradually increase the length of the walks and the distance from home.

  4. Always supervise your bearded dragon while they are on the leash and never leave them unattended.

  5. Use positive reinforcement, such as treats and praise, to encourage your bearded dragon to walk on the leash.

Remember to be patient and consistent when leash training your bearded dragon. It may take some time for them to get used to the harness or leash, but with patience and practice, you can train your bearded dragon to enjoy walks outside of their cage.

Why Leash Train Your Bearded Dragon

If you own a bearded dragon, you might be wondering if you can take it for a walk outside. The answer is yes, but you need to leash train your pet first. Here are some reasons why leash training your bearded dragon is a good idea:

Exercise and Mental Stimulation

Bearded dragons need exercise to stay healthy, just like humans. Walking your bearded dragon outside can provide it with the exercise it needs to stay active and healthy. Walking on a leash can also provide your pet with mental stimulation, which is important for its overall well-being.

Bonding with Your Pet

Taking your bearded dragon for a walk on a leash is a great way to bond with your pet. It can help build trust between you and your pet, and it can also be a fun activity for both of you.


Leash training your bearded dragon can help keep it safe when you take it outside. A leash and harness will prevent your pet from running away or getting lost. It can also protect your pet from predators and other dangers outside.


Leash training your bearded dragon can help socialize it with other pets and people. It can help your pet get used to different sights, sounds, and smells, which can make it more comfortable in new environments.


Leash training your bearded dragon can also be a good opportunity to train your pet. You can teach it basic commands, like “come” and “stay,” which can be useful in other situations.

To leash train your bearded dragon, you will need a harness and a leash that fits your pet properly. It’s important to start slowly and be patient with your pet. You can start by putting the harness on your pet for short periods of time inside your home, and then gradually increase the amount of time your pet wears the harness. Once your pet is comfortable wearing the harness, you can start taking it outside on a leash.

Remember to always supervise your pet when it’s outside on a leash, and never leave it unattended. With patience and persistence, you can successfully leash train your bearded dragon and enjoy walks outside with your beloved pet.

Is Your Bearded Dragon a Good Candidate for Leash Training?

If you’re considering leash training your bearded dragon, it’s essential to determine whether your pet is a good candidate for this type of training. Not all bearded dragons are the same, and some may not enjoy being on a leash or may become aggressive during training. Here are a few factors to consider when deciding whether your beardie is a good candidate for leash training:


Bearded dragons are generally calm and docile pets, which makes them a good candidate for leash training. However, some bearded dragons may be more skittish or aggressive than others, which can make leash training challenging. If your bearded dragon is generally easy-going and enjoys handling, they may be more receptive to leash training.


Leash training is best suited for adult bearded dragons. Baby bearded dragons are fragile and may not be able to handle the stress of leash training. It’s best to wait until your beardie is at least ten inches long before attempting to leash train them.


Before leash training your bearded dragon, it’s essential to ensure that they’re in good health. If your beardie has any underlying health conditions, they may not be able to handle the stress of leash training. Always consult with your veterinarian before attempting to leash train your bearded dragon.


Each bearded dragon has its unique personality, and some may enjoy leash training more than others. If your beardie is curious and adventurous, they may enjoy exploring the outdoors while on a leash. However, if your pet is shy or easily stressed, they may not be suitable for leash training.


Bearded dragons come in various sizes, and some may be too small or too large for leash training. If your beardie is too small, they may not be able to handle the weight of a leash and harness. On the other hand, if your bearded dragon is too large, they may be challenging to control while on a leash.

In conclusion, not all bearded dragons are suitable for leash training. It’s essential to consider your pet’s temperament, age, health, personality, and size before attempting to leash train them. If you’re unsure whether your beardie is a good candidate for leash training, consult with your veterinarian for guidance.

How to Leash Train Your Bearded Dragon

If you’re interested in taking your bearded dragon for a walk, it’s important to leash train them first. Leash training your bearded dragon takes time and patience, but it’s a great way to bond with your pet and provide them with some exercise.

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Here’s how to get started:

Getting Your Bearded Dragon Used to the Harness

Before you start leash training your bearded dragon, you’ll need to get them used to wearing a harness. Look for a harness that fits your bearded dragon comfortably and securely. A harness that is too loose can slip off, while one that is too tight can be uncomfortable for your pet.

Once you have the harness, put it on your bearded dragon and let them wear it around the house and in their terrarium. This will allow them to get used to the feeling of the harness and reduce stress when you take them outside.

Training Your Bearded Dragon to Walk on a Leash

Once your bearded dragon is comfortable wearing the harness, it’s time to start leash training. Attach a leash to the harness and let your pet drag it around the house. This will help them get used to the weight of the leash.

Next, pick up the leash and gently guide your bearded dragon around the house. Reward them with treats and praise when they follow you. Gradually increase the length of the leash and the distance you walk with your pet.

Taking Your Bearded Dragon Outside on a Leash

When your bearded dragon is comfortable walking on a leash indoors, it’s time to take them outside. Choose a safe and quiet area for your walk, away from other pets and potential hazards.

When you first take your bearded dragon outside, let them explore the area at their own pace. Keep a close eye on them and never let them out of your sight. With time and patience, your bearded dragon will learn to enjoy walks on a leash.

Remember to never force your bearded dragon to wear a harness or walk on a leash. Not all bearded dragons enjoy leash training, and that’s okay. If your pet shows signs of stress or discomfort, it’s best to stop and try again another day.

In conclusion, leash training your bearded dragon can be a fun and rewarding experience for both you and your pet. By following these steps and being patient, you can teach your bearded dragon to enjoy walks on a leash while keeping them safe and happy.

Is it Safe to Take My Leash Trained Bearded Dragon Near Water or Fish?

Yes, it is generally safe to take your leash trained bearded dragon near water or fish. Be cautious, as bearded dragons have a natural instinct to hunt and eat small creatures, so they may try to catch fish if they see them. Always supervise them closely, and remember that fish should not be a part of a bearded dragon’s diet: eating fish can be harmful to them.

Video tips on walking your bearded dragon on a leash

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