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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Fish? Is it Dangerous?

Are you wondering whether bearded dragons can eat fish? As a responsible pet owner, you want to ensure that your bearded dragon is getting the right nutrition. While bearded dragons are primarily insectivores, they can eat some plant matter and occasionally small amounts of other foods. But what about fish?

The short answer is that bearded dragons can eat fish, but it is not recommended as a regular part of their diet.

Fish is not a natural part of their diet in the wild, and there are some potential risks associated with feeding them fish. In this article, we will explore the topic of bearded dragons and fish in more detail, including what types of fish are safe for them to eat and how often you should feed it to them.

Bearded Dragon, 11 months old

Should I be worried about my bearded dragon eating fish if they are venomous?

If you are concerned about your bearded dragon eating fish, it’s important to seek bearded dragon venom clarification. While most fish are not venomous, it’s best to research which types of fish can potentially harm your pet. Consulting with a reptile veterinarian can provide guidance on safe feeding options.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Fish?

If you are a bearded dragon owner, you may be wondering if it is safe to feed your pet fish. While bearded dragons are omnivores and can eat a variety of foods, including insects and vegetables, fish is not a recommended part of their diet. Here is what you need to know:

Feeder Fish

Feeder fish, such as rosy red minnows and goldfish, are often sold as food for pet reptiles. While some bearded dragons may eat feeder fish, it is not a recommended part of their diet. Feeder fish do not provide the necessary nutrients that bearded dragons need, and they may also contain harmful bacteria and parasites.

Raw Fish

Raw fish, whether it is fresh or frozen, should not be fed to bearded dragons. Raw fish can contain harmful bacteria and parasites that can infect your dragon and make them sick.

Cooked Fish

Cooked fish may be safer for bearded dragons to eat than raw fish, but it is still not recommended as a regular part of their diet. Cooked fish may also contain harmful bacteria and parasites, and it does not provide the necessary fiber and nutrients that bearded dragons need.

Fish Food

Fish food, such as pellets or flakes, should not be fed to bearded dragons. Fish food is not formulated to meet the nutritional needs of bearded dragons, and it may contain harmful additives and preservatives.

Safety Concerns

Feeding your bearded dragon fish can lead to several safety concerns. Fish bones can get stuck in your dragon’s throat or digestive tract, and fish may also contain parasites that can infect your dragon and make them sick.

Additionally, bearded dragons can become impacted if they eat too much fish or other foods that are difficult to digest.

Alternatives to Fish

Fortunately, there are many protein-rich foods that bearded dragons can eat instead of fish. Feeder insects, such as crickets and live feeder insects, are a natural food source for bearded dragons and provide the necessary nutrients and fiber that they need.


In conclusion, while bearded dragons can technically eat fish, it is not a recommended part of their diet. Fish does not provide the necessary fiber and nutrients that bearded dragons need, and it may also contain harmful bacteria and parasites. Stick to feeding your bearded dragon a diet of feeder insects, vegetables, and fruits to ensure that they stay healthy and happy.

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