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How Often Do Bearded Dragons Shed? Shedding Cycle Explained

Bearded dragons are fascinating pets that require specific care and attention. One of the most important aspects of their care is understanding their shedding process.

Shedding is a natural process that all bearded dragons go through as they grow and develop. It’s important to know how often they shed and how to help them through the process.

The frequency of shedding depends on the age of the bearded dragon. Younger dragons will shed more often than adults. It’s normal for baby and juvenile bearded dragons to shed their entire skin at once, whereas adults will usually shed patches of skin in different areas.

Knowing how often your bearded dragon sheds can help you anticipate their needs and keep them healthy and comfortable. In this article, we’ll explore the bearded dragon shedding process and provide tips to help you care for your pet during this important time.

Bearded Dragon

Table of Contents

What is Bearded Dragon Shedding?

Bearded dragon shedding is a natural process that occurs as these reptiles grow. Shedding is the process of the bearded dragon shedding its old skin to make way for new growth. This process is also known as ecdysis.

The shedding process is a vital part of a bearded dragon’s growth and development. As they grow, their skin becomes too tight and needs to be shed to allow for new skin growth. Shedding also helps remove any parasites or bacteria that may be present on the old skin.

During the shedding process, the bearded dragon’s skin will become dull and dry, and the eyes may appear cloudy. This is a sign that the old skin is about to shed. Shedding can take several days to complete, and during this time, the bearded dragon may be more irritable and less active than usual.

It is important to note that shedding is a natural process and should not be interfered with. Pulling off the old skin can cause injury to the bearded dragon, and misting or bathing them during the shedding process can disrupt the natural shedding process.

In summary, shedding is a natural process that occurs as the bearded dragon grows. It is essential for their health and development and should be allowed to occur naturally without interference.

How Often Do Bearded Dragons Shed?

As bearded dragon owners, it’s important to understand the shedding process and how often it occurs. Shedding, also known as ecdysis, is a natural and healthy behavior for bearded dragons. It allows them to grow and replace old skin with new skin.

The frequency of shedding depends on several factors, including age, diet, and environment. Younger bearded dragons shed more frequently than adults, typically once or twice per month. As they reach maturity, shedding occurs every few months on average.

Below is a table showing how often bearded dragons shed at different ages:

AgeShed Frequency
0-6 monthsWeekly
6-12 monthsEvery other week
12 monthsEvery other month
18 monthsOne or twice a year

It’s important to note that baby and juvenile bearded dragons shed their entire skin at once, whereas adults will usually shed patches of skin in different areas.

During the shedding process, you may notice changes in your bearded dragon’s behavior. They may become more lethargic or irritable, and their appetite may decrease. It’s important to provide them with a comfortable and stress-free environment during this time.

To assist with shedding, you can mist your bearded dragon and their habitat, offer a shedding bath formula, and give them a bath. However, it’s important to never pull the skin off as this can be painful and cause injury.

In conclusion, understanding how often bearded dragons shed is crucial for their overall health and well-being. By providing a proper diet and environment, and assisting with shedding when necessary, we can ensure our bearded dragons are happy and healthy.

The Shedding Process of Bearded Dragons

As bearded dragon owners, we need to understand the shedding process of our pets. Shedding is a natural and healthy behavior for bearded dragons. It is the process of shedding their old skin for new skin. In this section, we will discuss the shedding process of bearded dragons in detail.

Shedding Frequency

The frequency of shedding depends on the age and size of the bearded dragon. Younger dragons will shed more often than adults. Baby and juvenile bearded dragons shed their entire skin at once, whereas adults will usually shed patches of skin in different areas.

Shedding Duration

The duration of shedding also varies depending on the age and size of the bearded dragon. Younger bearded dragons will shed much faster than adults. The shedding process can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Here are some things to keep in mind during the shedding process:

  • Do not pull the skin off. Let the bearded dragon shed its skin naturally.
  • Mist them and their habitat to keep the humidity level high.
  • Give them a bath to help soften the skin and make shedding easier.
  • Try a shedding bath formula to help with the shedding process.

Shedding Behavior

During the shedding process, you may notice some changes in your bearded dragon’s behavior. They may become more irritable or less active than usual. This is because shedding can be uncomfortable for them. Here are some things to keep in mind during the shedding process:

  • Handle your bearded dragon gently and avoid touching the areas where they are shedding.
  • Provide a comfortable and stress-free environment for your bearded dragon.
  • Offer plenty of water to keep them hydrated.

Shedding Conclusion

In conclusion, shedding is a natural and healthy behavior for bearded dragons. The frequency and duration of shedding depend on the age and size of the bearded dragon. During the shedding process, be gentle with your pet and provide a comfortable environment for them. With proper care, your bearded dragon will shed its skin without any problems.

Signs of Shedding in Bearded Dragons

As bearded dragon owners, it’s important to understand the signs of shedding in our pets. Shedding is a natural process that bearded dragons go through as they grow and develop. Here are some signs to look out for to determine if your bearded dragon is shedding:

  • Dull Skin: A bearded dragon’s skin will appear dull and lackluster when they are about to shed. This is because the old skin is beginning to separate from the new skin underneath.

  • Cloudy Eyes: Bearded dragons will develop a milky or cloudy appearance in their eyes as they prepare to shed. This is because the skin on their eyelids is also shedding.
  • Decreased Appetite: Bearded dragons may experience a decreased appetite when they are shedding. This is because the shedding process can be uncomfortable and cause some discomfort.

  • Scratching: Bearded dragons may scratch or rub themselves against objects in their enclosure when they are shedding. This is because the old skin can be itchy and uncomfortable.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to take steps to help your bearded dragon through the shedding process. This can include misting them more frequently, providing a shedding box, and avoiding handling them too much during this time. By understanding the signs of shedding, we can ensure that our bearded dragons are comfortable and healthy throughout the process.

What to Expect When Your Bearded Dragon is Shedding

When our bearded dragon is shedding, it can be a fascinating process to observe. However, it can also be a stressful time for our pet, and it’s important to know what to expect during this period.

Firstly, shedding is a natural process that all bearded dragons go through as they grow. As they age, their skin becomes less elastic, and it doesn’t stretch as their body grows. This means that they need to shed their skin periodically to allow for growth.

During the shedding process, our bearded dragon will start to look dull and pale. This is because the old skin is starting to loosen and separate from the new skin underneath. We may also notice that our bearded dragon is more irritable during this time, as the shedding skin can be itchy and uncomfortable.

It’s important to ensure that our bearded dragon has a suitable environment to aid in the shedding process. We should provide a humid hide, which is a small enclosure with a moist substrate, to help our pet shed their skin more easily.

We should also ensure that our bearded dragon has access to fresh water, as they may drink more during this time.

We should avoid handling our bearded dragons excessively during the shedding process, as this can cause them discomfort and potentially damage the skin. Instead, we can offer them a warm bath to help soften the skin and make it easier for them to shed.

Overall, shedding is a natural and necessary process for our bearded dragon’s growth and development. With a little bit of extra care and attention, we can help our pet through this process and ensure that they remain healthy and comfortable.

Helping Your Bearded Dragon Through Shedding

As we know, shedding is a natural process for bearded dragons, but it can be uncomfortable for them. As responsible pet owners, it is our duty to help our bearded dragons through this process.

Here are some tips to help your bearded dragon during shedding:

1. Provide Rough Materials in Their Enclosure

Bearded dragons need rough materials, such as rocks and logs, in their enclosure to help them shed. These materials will help them rub off the dead skin and promote the shedding process. Make sure to clean these materials regularly to prevent any bacterial growth.

2. Maintain a Proper Diet and Water

A healthy diet and proper hydration are essential for a smooth shedding process. Make sure to provide your bearded dragon with a balanced diet and clean water at all times. Dehydration can cause the skin to become dry and make shedding more difficult.

3. Check the Terrarium Set Up

A proper terrarium set-up is crucial for the well-being of your bearded dragon. Make sure the temperature and humidity levels are appropriate for your pet. Low humidity can cause the skin to become dry, making shedding more difficult.

4. Use Shedding Aids

There are various shedding aids available in the market that can help your bearded dragon through the shedding process. Shedding sprays and oils can help soften the skin and make shedding easier. However, make sure to use only safe and recommended products.

5. Give Them a Bath

A warm bath can help your bearded dragon through the shedding process. Soak them in lukewarm water for 15-20 minutes, two to three times a week. This will help soften the skin and make shedding easier.

6. Be Gentle

During shedding, your bearded dragon’s skin can be sensitive and fragile. Be gentle when handling them and avoid pulling off the skin. If the skin is not coming off easily, do not force it. Consult a veterinarian for further advice.

By following these tips, we can help our bearded dragons through the shedding process and ensure their well-being. Remember, shedding is a natural process, and with our help, our pets can go through it smoothly.

Common Shedding Issues in Bearded Dragons

Shedding is a natural process that bearded dragons go through as they grow. However, sometimes shedding can be a bit more complicated than we expect. In this section, we’ll cover some of the common shedding issues that bearded dragons may experience.

Stuck Shed

A stuck shed is when a piece of old skin doesn’t come off during the shedding process. This can happen when the humidity levels are too low or when the bearded dragon is dehydrated.

If you notice that your bearded dragon has stuck shed, you can help them by giving them a warm bath. This will help to soften the skin and make it easier to remove. You can also use a soft-bristled toothbrush to gently remove the stuck shed.

Incomplete Shed

Sometimes, bearded dragons may not shed their entire skin during the shedding process. This can be due to a variety of reasons, including stress, illness, or poor nutrition. If you notice that your bearded dragon has an incomplete shed, you can help them by providing them with a healthy diet and ensuring that their habitat is set up properly. You can also use a shedding aid to help them remove the remaining skin.

Shedding and Not Eating

Bearded dragons may sometimes stop eating during the shedding process. This is normal and nothing to worry about. However, if your bearded dragon stops eating for an extended period of time, it could be a sign of an underlying health issue. If you’re concerned, it’s always best to consult with a veterinarian.

Bearded Dragon Not Shedding

If your bearded dragon is not shedding, it could be due to a variety of reasons. It could be that they’re not getting enough UVB light or that their habitat is too dry. You can help your bearded dragon shed by providing them with a healthy diet, ensuring that their habitat is set up properly, and providing them with regular baths.

Shedding Less

Bearded dragons shed less as they get older. This is normal and nothing to worry about. However, if you notice that your bearded dragon is shedding less than usual, it could be a sign of an underlying health issue. If you’re concerned, it’s always best to consult with a veterinarian.

Dragon Starts Shedding Again

Bearded dragons may sometimes start shedding again soon after they’ve shed their skin. This is normal and nothing to worry about. However, if your bearded dragon starts shedding again soon after they’ve shed their skin repeatedly, it could be a sign of an underlying health issue. If you’re concerned, it’s always best to consult with a veterinarian.

In conclusion, shedding is a natural process that bearded dragons go through. However, sometimes shedding can be a bit more complicated than we expect. If you notice any of the above-mentioned shedding issues, it’s always best to consult with a veterinarian to ensure that your bearded dragon is healthy and happy.


In conclusion, the shedding process is a natural and important part of a bearded dragon’s life. As we have learned, younger bearded dragons shed far more often than older ones due to growth. The frequency of shedding can also be influenced by factors such as temperature, humidity, and diet.

It is important to monitor your bearded dragon during the shedding process to ensure that it is shedding properly and to prevent any complications. This includes keeping their enclosure clean and providing a humid hide to aid in the shedding process.

We also learned that the shedding process can take anywhere from 10 days to 3 weeks depending on the age of the bearded dragon. During this time, it is important to avoid handling your bearded dragon as its skin may be sensitive and easily damaged.

Overall, understanding the shedding process is crucial for providing the best care for your bearded dragon. By monitoring their shedding frequency and providing proper care during the shedding process, you can ensure that your bearded dragon stays healthy and happy.

Can Bearded Dragons Shed During Pregnancy?

Yes, bearded dragons can shed during pregnancy. This shedding process, also known as ecdysis, is a natural occurrence and can continue normally during the bearded dragon gestation period. It’s important to provide a warm and moist environment to support the shedding process for pregnant bearded dragons.

Frequently Asked Questions On Bearded Dragons Shedding:

How long does it take for a bearded dragon to shed?

Bearded dragons typically take around 1-2 weeks to shed completely. However, the duration may vary depending on the dragon’s age and health. Younger dragons may shed more frequently than adults and sick or stressed dragons may take longer to shed.

Why isn’t my bearded dragon shedding?

There could be several reasons why your bearded dragon is not shedding. It could be due to a lack of humidity in their enclosure, inadequate diet, or stress. If you notice that your bearded dragon is not shedding properly or has areas of stuck shed, it is important to consult with a veterinarian.

How often do baby bearded dragons shed?

Baby bearded dragons shed more frequently than adults. They can shed every week during their first six months of life. This is because they grow rapidly during this time, and their skin needs to keep up with their growth.

What to do when your bearded dragon is shedding?

When your bearded dragon is shedding, it is important to ensure its enclosure is clean and humid. You can provide a shedding box filled with damp sphagnum moss to help your dragon shed more easily. Avoid handling your dragon too much during this time, as their skin may be sensitive.

Bearded dragon stuck shed solutions?

If your bearded dragon has areas of stuck shed, you can try giving them a warm bath to help loosen the dead skin. You can also use a soft-bristled toothbrush to gently remove any remaining shed. Avoid pulling or tearing the skin, as this can cause injury.

How long does the shedding process usually take for a bearded dragon?

The shedding process for a bearded dragon can last anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks. It varies from dragon to dragon and can depend on various factors such as age, health, and humidity levels in their environment.

What should I do if my bearded dragon is not shedding and is showing signs of stress?

If your bearded dragon is not shedding and is showing signs of stress, such as loss of appetite or lethargy, it’s important to seek veterinary care. A vet can help determine the underlying cause of your dragon’s shedding issue and provide appropriate treatment.

How often should I give my bearded dragon a bath?

Bearded dragons do not need frequent baths, but you can give them a bath once a week to help with shedding and keep their skin clean. Use lukewarm water and avoid using any soaps or shampoos. Make sure to supervise your dragon during their bath to ensure their safety.

What happens if a bearded dragon does not shed properly?

If a bearded dragon gets a “stuck shed,” where the skin doesn’t come off completely, it can lead to serious health issues. It’s important to monitor your bearded dragon’s shedding closely and intervene if necessary.

How can I tell if my bearded dragon is not shedding properly?

A: Signs that your bearded dragon might not be shedding properly include pieces of shed skin getting stuck in between scales or curling up around the toes or tail tips.

It’s important to check your bearded dragon’s body for any stuck shed and gently assist in the shedding process if needed.

Can bearded dragons eat their shed?

Yes, bearded dragons will often eat their own shed skin. Eating the shed provides them with extra nutrients and is a natural behavior for them.

Do all bearded dragons shed at the same rate?

No, bearded dragons can shed at different rates depending on their age, health, and overall well-being. Younger dragons may shed more frequently than adult dragons, and healthy dragons may shed less frequently than sick dragons.

What can I do to help my bearded dragon shed properly?

To help your bearded dragon shed properly, make sure their humidity levels are within the appropriate range (around 30-40%), provide them with plenty of objects to rub against, and gently assist in removing any stuck shed if necessary. You can also offer a shallow water dish for them to soak in to help soften any shedding skin.

Are there any signs I should watch out for during my bearded dragon’s shedding process?

During your bearded dragon’s shedding process, watch for signs of stress such as loss of appetite or lethargy, as well as signs of incomplete shedding such as stuck shed around toes or tails.

It’s important to monitor your bearded dragon closely during shedding to ensure the process is going smoothly.

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