
Can Bearded Dragons Safely Consume Egg Shells?

Bearded dragons are omnivorous reptiles that require a balanced diet to maintain their health and well-being. While most of their diet consists of insects and vegetables, they can also eat certain types of fruits and occasional treats like eggs. However, many owners wonder if their bearded dragons can eat eggshells and if they provide any nutritional value.

The answer is yes, bearded dragons can eat eggshells, but only in moderation and with certain precautions. Eggshells are a good source of calcium, which is essential for their bone health and development. However, it’s important to make sure the eggshells are clean, free of any bacteria or contaminants, and finely ground to prevent any digestive issues or injuries to their digestive tract. In this article, we will explore the benefits and risks of feeding eggshells to bearded dragons and provide some tips on how to do it safely.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Egg Shells?

Bearded dragons are omnivorous reptiles that require a balanced diet of both plant and animal-based foods. While insects are their primary source of protein, eggshells can be a beneficial addition to their diet when prepared properly.

Nutritional Value of Egg Shells

Eggshells are an excellent source of calcium, which is essential for the growth and maintenance of strong bones and teeth in bearded dragons. They also contain other essential minerals, such as magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium.

Preparing Egg Shells for Bearded Dragons

Before feeding eggshells to your bearded dragon, it is important to prepare them properly. First, rinse the eggshells thoroughly with warm water to remove any remaining egg white or yolk. Then, bake them in the oven at 250°F for 30 minutes to kill any bacteria or pathogens that may be present.

Once cooled, grind the eggshells into a fine powder using a mortar and pestle or food processor. This powder can be added to your bearded dragon’s food or sprinkled over their vegetables.

Potential Risks of Feeding Egg Shells to Bearded Dragons

While eggshells can provide many nutritional benefits to bearded dragons, there are also potential risks to consider. Feeding too much calcium can lead to health problems, such as metabolic bone disease. It is important to monitor your bearded dragon’s calcium intake and only provide eggshells in moderation.

Additionally, it is important to only feed eggshells from organic, free-range eggs to avoid exposing your bearded dragon to harmful chemicals or antibiotics.

In conclusion, bearded dragons can eat eggshells as a source of calcium and other essential minerals. However, it is important to prepare them properly and only provide them in moderation to avoid potential health risks.

Nutritional Value of Egg Shells

Eggshells are a great source of nutrients for bearded dragons. They contain high levels of calcium, protein, and other nutrients that are essential for the growth and development of your pet.


Calcium is one of the most important nutrients that bearded dragons need to stay healthy. It helps to build strong bones, teeth, and claws. Eggshells are an excellent source of calcium, and they can help to prevent calcium deficiency in your pet.

According to research, one gram of eggshell contains approximately 381 mg of calcium. This means that a single eggshell can provide up to 2,000 mg of calcium, which is more than enough to meet the daily calcium requirements of your bearded dragon.


Protein is another essential nutrient that bearded dragons need to survive. It helps to build and repair muscles, tissues, and organs. Eggshells are a good source of protein, and they can help to supplement the protein intake of your pet.

On average, one gram of eggshell contains about 1 gram of protein. This means that a single eggshell can provide up to 5 grams of protein, which is a significant amount for a bearded dragon.

Other Nutrients

In addition to calcium and protein, eggshells also contain other essential nutrients that bearded dragons need to stay healthy. These include:

  • Magnesium: Helps to regulate muscle and nerve function.
  • Iron: Helps to transport oxygen throughout the body.
  • Zinc: Helps to boost the immune system.
  • Copper: Helps to form red blood cells.

Eggshells are also a good source of chitin, which is a type of fiber that helps to support the digestive system of your pet.

In conclusion, eggshells are a great source of nutrients for bearded dragons. They contain high levels of calcium, protein, and other essential nutrients that are necessary for the growth and development of your pet. However, it is important to note that eggshells should be cleaned and sterilized before feeding them to your pet to prevent the risk of bacterial infections.

Preparing Egg Shells for Bearded Dragons

Bearded dragons require a balanced diet to stay healthy, and eggshells can be a good source of calcium for them. However, it is important to prepare the eggshells properly before feeding them to your pet. In this section, we will discuss how to cook and serve eggshells to your bearded dragon.

Cooking Egg Shells

Before serving eggshells to your bearded dragon, it is important to clean and cook them properly. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Rinse the eggshells thoroughly with water to remove any residue or dirt.
  2. Boil the eggshells for 10-15 minutes to kill any bacteria or pathogens that may be present.
  3. Let the eggshells cool down completely before serving them to your bearded dragon.

Serving Egg Shells

Once the eggshells are cooked and cooled down, you can serve them to your bearded dragon. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Crush the eggshells into small pieces before serving them to your bearded dragon. This will make it easier for them to eat and digest.
  2. Mix the crushed eggshells with your bearded dragon’s regular food or sprinkle them on top of it.
  3. Do not feed your bearded dragon too many eggshells at once. A small amount every week should be enough to provide them with the necessary calcium.

In conclusion, eggshells can be a good source of calcium for your bearded dragon, but it is important to prepare them properly before feeding them to your pet. By following the steps outlined in this section, you can ensure that your bearded dragon gets the nutrients they need to stay healthy.

Will Egg Shells Harm a Leopard Gecko if Used as Substrate?

Eggshells can pose a risk to leopard geckos if used as a substrate. The sharp edges could injure their delicate feet or lead to impaction if ingested, making them unsuitable as perfect leopard gecko substrate. It’s important to opt for safer options such as reptile carpet or paper towels.

Is it Safe for Bearded Dragons to Eat Unconventional Foods Like Egg Shells and Jade?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat jade in small amounts, but it is not recommended as a regular part of their diet. However, egg shells can be beneficial for bearded dragons as they are a good source of calcium. Always consult with a veterinarian before introducing unconventional foods to your bearded dragon’s diet.

Potential Risks of Feeding Egg Shells to Bearded Dragons

While egg shells may seem like a natural and nutritious addition to a bearded dragon’s diet, there are some potential risks to consider before feeding them to your pet. In this section, we will explore the possible risks of feeding egg shells to bearded dragons.


One of the main concerns with feeding egg shells to bearded dragons is the risk of impaction. Egg shells are hard and can be difficult for bearded dragons to digest, especially if they are not finely ground. If a bearded dragon ingests large pieces of egg shell, it can cause a blockage in their digestive system, leading to impaction.


Another concern with feeding egg shells to bearded dragons is the risk of bacterial contamination. Raw egg shells can harbor harmful bacteria such as E. coli, which can cause digestive upset and other health problems in bearded dragons. It is important to thoroughly clean and sterilize egg shells before feeding them to your pet to reduce the risk of bacterial contamination.

Liver Problems

Feeding egg shells to bearded dragons can also lead to liver problems. Egg shells are high in calcium, which can be beneficial for bearded dragons, but excessive calcium intake can lead to liver problems. This is especially true if your bearded dragon is already consuming a diet that is high in calcium.

To reduce the risk of liver problems, it is important to feed egg shells in moderation and ensure that your bearded dragon is getting a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods.

In conclusion, while egg shells can be a nutritious addition to a bearded dragon’s diet, there are some potential risks to consider. These include impaction, bacterial contamination, and liver problems. It is important to feed egg shells in moderation and ensure that they are properly cleaned and sterilized before feeding them to your pet.

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