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Can Bearded Dragons Cause Allergies? +Other Reptile (Explained)

It is important that you see a medical professional in order to get a more accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment if you have any reason to suspect that you could be allergic to reptiles.

Can You Be Allergic To Reptiles?

Yes, it is possible to get an allergic response when exposed to lizards and other reptiles. This allergy is often brought on by the proteins that may be found in the scales, saliva, or skin of the reptile.

In rare cases, the allergens can be found in the urine of the reptile. In the event that these proteins come into contact with the human body, it is possible that they will set off an allergic reaction.

There are a few tests that may be done to determine whether or not you have an allergy to reptiles. A response after being in contact with a reptile is one method to tell whether you are allergic to them.

Itching, redness, swelling, hives, trouble breathing, and even anaphylaxis are some of the possible reactions that might be brought on by an allergy to reptiles. If allergies run in your family, you might most likely be allergic to reptiles. An allergist may do a skin test or a blood test to determine whether or not you have an allergy to reptiles.

Bearded Dragon

Short Info Bearded Dragons

Bearded dragons, also known as Pogona Vitticeps, are a species of lizard that is indigenous to Australia. As a result of their rapid growth and the ease with which they may be maintained, they are quite popular as pets. Although they have an appearance that is comparable to that of lizards, they are really more closely related to snakes.

These creatures have a highly outgoing personality and a strong desire to engage in playful behavior. The bearded dragon has a distinct look that sets it apart from other dragon species. They have scales on their skin that seem like hair or fur, which gives them an appearance similar to that of having a beard. Because of this characteristic, they come off as cute and cuddly.

On the other hand, there are many who hold the opinion that these organisms may provoke allergic responses in humans. So the question is, does this have any basis in reality? Let’s find out!

When compared to other types of pets, bearded dragons do not trigger nearly as many allergic reactions. It is common for them to create a lower level of allergies compared to other types of hairy or feathery pets.

In spite of this, those who are hypersensitive to certain allergens should be aware that they still present some danger when exposed to these substances.

After getting a bearded dragon as a pet, some individuals discover that their existing allergies become much worse. In the event that this occurs, you have to make an effort to establish which particular allergens are accountable for the issue. After that, you will be able to take measures to lower your risk of being exposed to them.

Do Bearded Dragons Cause Allergies?

When compared to other types of pets, bearded dragons do not trigger nearly as many allergic reactions. It is common for them to create a lower level of allergies compared to other types of hairy or feathery pets. In spite of this, those who are hypersensitive to certain allergens should be aware that they still present some danger when exposed to these substances.

Bearded dragons, like many other species of reptiles, lose their skin every few weeks. People might have an allergic reaction to their skin flakes because they include a variety of proteins and lipids that can cause an allergic reaction.

These scaly skins have a tendency to flake off and land on things like carpets, furniture, beds, clothes, and shoes. Because of this, there may be an increase in allergens that are carried through the air in the house.

The following are some other elements that, in relation to bearded dragons, may have a role in the development of allergic reactions:

  • Toys
  • Carpets
  • Bedding
  • Clothing
  • Furniture
  • Air quality
  • Dust mite control
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Petting and handling
  • Food and water bowls

It is your best option to confine the reptile to its home environments, such as a cage or tank until the shedding has ended.

Are Bearded Dragons Hypoallergenic?

When looking for a new pet, one of the most important considerations for a lot of allergy sufferers is whether or not the animal in question is hypoallergenic. Those in quest of a one-of-a-kind pet will find that keeping a reptile as a companion makes for a delightful companion, and the majority of the time, reptiles as pets are completely hypoallergenic.

Bearded dragons are one of these animals, making them an excellent choice as pets for persons who suffer from severe allergic reactions. You would not ever have to be concerned about it leaving little hairs all over your furniture or other belongings, though they do shed skin.

The dander that may cause allergic reactions in mammals is absent from bearded dragons. Because of this, they are substantially less likely to cause allergic reactions. Bear in mind, however, that despite your best efforts, you may still experience allergic responses if you maintain bearded dragons as pets. Although they seldom induce responses individually, a few of their meals are known to do so.

Proteins found in grasshoppers, in particular, are known to trigger allergic reactions in certain people. When you are feeding bearded dragons, it is important that you take the necessary precautions.

Can You Get Sick From a Bearded Dragon?

There are a few different ways in which being around your bearded dragon might make you sick. Salmonella is responsible for the vast majority of cases. This kind of bacterium lives in the digestive tracts of many different reptiles, including bearded dragons. Salmonella is an organism that may make human beings sick with vomiting, diarrhea, and fever.

If you hold your bearded dragon and then proceed to eat or touch your face without first washing your hands, you put yourself at risk of contracting the disease that it carries and passing it on to other people. Young children, the elderly, and those with compromised immune systems are at a greater risk as a result of its exposure.

Visit a physician as soon as possible if you have any reason to worry that you or anybody you know could be infected with Salmonella.

Bearded dragons may also pass on parasites, which is some other way that they can make their people sick. These are very tiny organisms that are dependent on their host for their survival. When they infect people, they may produce a wide range of symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

They also cause their host to live off of them. If you have any reason to think that you may have been infected with parasites, you should make an appointment with a medical doctor as soon as possible.

Last but not least, if it bites you, your bearded dragon may make you sick. Bearded dragons have very sharp fangs that are capable of tearing through human skin with ease. In the event that they bite you, germs might be introduced into your circulation by the insect, which could lead to an illness. If ever this is the case, immediately clean the wound thoroughly, and you should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Can Feeding Bananas to Bearded Dragons Cause Allergic Reactions?

Feeding bananas to bearded dragons may cause allergic reactions, according to the bearded dragon feeding guide. While bananas can be a nutritious treat, they are high in sugar and may lead to digestive issues or other health concerns in some bearded dragons. It’s best to offer them in moderation.

Can Bearded Dragons Cause Allergies like Venomous Reptiles?

Some people may wonder about bearded dragon venom facts and if they can cause allergies like venomous reptiles. Bearded dragons do not produce venom, so they do not pose any risk for causing allergic reactions due to venom. They are generally considered safe pets for those with allergies.


It is not uncommon for individuals who own pets to have allergic responses. Due to the absence of fur, bearded dragons have a lower risk of triggering allergic reactions in people. It is not possible to be allergic to a bearded dragon. However, it is plausible to be allergic to the food they eat or other components of their natural environment.

The most important thing you can do to protect your pet from allergens is to keep him or her away from those things. Keeping your pet inside during periods of high pollen counts is another way to reduce the risk of exposure for both your pet and yourself.

Visit an allergist as soon as possible if you have any suspicion that you may have an allergy. They can identify whether you are allergic to everything your bearded dragon comes in touch with. Once you have determined what you are allergic to, you will be able to take measures to avoid your responses and maintain the health of your bearded dragon.

And it is quite unlikely that your bearded dragon will have any allergic reactions to anything. Even though there has not been any proof of allergies to reptiles just yet, you should still take your pet to the veterinarian if they do not appear to be acting normally.

If you are interested in learning more about the connection between bearded dragons and a number of health conditions, including allergic reactions, you may want to view the video that has been provided below.

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