
Can Bearded Dragons Safely Consume Hard Boiled Eggs?

Bearded dragons are fascinating creatures that are known for their unique appearance and friendly demeanor. As with any pet, it’s important to provide them with a healthy and balanced diet to ensure their well-being. While many people may assume that bearded dragons only eat insects, they are actually omnivores and can eat a variety of foods, including hard-boiled eggs.

So, can bearded dragons eat hard-boiled eggs? The answer is yes, but it’s important to understand the proper way to feed them to your pet. Eggs are a great source of protein and other nutrients that can benefit your bearded dragon’s health. However, it’s important to make sure that the eggs are fully cooked and that your pet is not consuming too much cholesterol or fat. In this article, we will explore the benefits and risks of feeding hard-boiled eggs to bearded dragons and provide tips on how to incorporate them into their diet safely.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Eggs?

Bearded dragons are omnivorous, which means they can eat both plant and animal-based foods. Eggs are a great source of protein, which is essential for the growth and maintenance of your bearded dragon. However, it is important to feed your bearded dragon eggs in moderation and to prepare them properly.

Raw Eggs

Raw eggs should be avoided when feeding your bearded dragon. They can contain harmful bacteria such as Salmonella, which can make your bearded dragon sick. Raw eggs also contain avidin, which can bind to biotin, a vitamin that is essential for your bearded dragon’s health. This can lead to biotin deficiency, which can cause skin and coat problems, as well as other health issues.

Scrambled Eggs

Scrambled eggs can be a good source of protein for your bearded dragon, but they should be prepared without any added salt, butter, or oil. These ingredients can be harmful to your bearded dragon’s health. Scrambled eggs can also be high in fat, which can cause obesity in your bearded dragon if fed in excess.

Hard-Boiled Eggs

Hard-boiled eggs are a great source of protein for your bearded dragon. They are easy to prepare and can be fed in moderation as a supplement to your bearded dragon’s regular diet. However, you should only give your bearded dragon half an egg at a time and avoid feeding them raw egg whites.

Egg Shells

Egg shells are a good source of calcium for your bearded dragon. You can crush the egg shells into small pieces and sprinkle them over your bearded dragon’s food. However, it is important to make sure the egg shells are thoroughly cleaned and cooked before feeding them to your bearded dragon. Raw egg shells can contain harmful bacteria that can make your bearded dragon sick.

In conclusion, eggs can be a good source of protein for your bearded dragon if fed in moderation and prepared properly. However, it is important to avoid feeding your bearded dragon raw eggs and to be aware of the pros and cons of feeding your bearded dragon eggs as part of their diet.

Is It Safe for Bearded Dragons to Consume Any Part of an Egg?

Bearded dragon egg shell consumption may seem unusual, but it’s actually a natural behavior. Bearded dragons can eat small amounts of cooked egg as a treat, including the shell. However, it’s important to limit this as egg can be high in fat and should not be a staple food for them.


In conclusion, bearded dragons can eat hard-boiled eggs as part of their diet. As omnivores, they naturally consume a variety of foods, including insects, fruits, and vegetables. Juvenile bearded dragons may benefit from an occasional serving of hard-boiled eggs due to their high protein content. However, it is important to note that eggs can carry bacteria, so it is crucial to thoroughly cook the eggs before offering them to your bearded dragon.

Female bearded dragons may also benefit from the added protein in hard-boiled eggs during the breeding season. It is recommended to offer half an egg every other week or so to avoid overfeeding your pet and maintain a balanced diet.

While eggs can provide a healthy source of protein for bearded dragons, it is important to remember that they should not eat more meat than insects. Insects should make up the majority of their diet.

If you decide to take your bearded dragon off an insect-based diet, it is important to consult with a veterinarian to ensure that your pet is receiving all the necessary nutrients. Overall, whether bearded dragons can eat eggs or not depends on several factors, and it is important to feed them a balanced and varied diet to keep them healthy.

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