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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Earthworms?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Earthworms? Explained

If you’re a bearded dragon owner, you may be wondering if your pet can eat earthworms. The answer is yes, they can! Earthworms are a safe and nutritious food option for bearded dragons. They are high in protein and low in fat, making them a great addition to their diet.

It’s important to note that while bearded dragons can eat earthworms, they should not be their primary source of food. Earthworms should be given as an occasional treat, rather than a staple in their diet. Additionally, it’s important to ensure that the earthworms are raised specifically for feeding to your bearded dragon, as wild earthworms may contain harmful toxins.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Earthworms?

If you’re a bearded dragon owner, you might be wondering if earthworms are a safe and nutritious food option for your pet. The answer is yes, bearded dragons can eat earthworms. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind before feeding them to your beardie.

Nutritional Value of Earthworms

Earthworms are a good source of protein and a variety of other nutrients that can benefit your bearded dragon’s health. They are low in fat and high in fiber, making them a healthy addition to your pet’s diet.

Preparing Earthworms for Your Bearded Dragon

Before feeding earthworms to your bearded dragon, it’s important to prepare them properly. You should never feed your pet wild-caught earthworms, as they may contain parasites or pesticides that can harm your pet. Instead, purchase earthworms from a reputable source that raises them specifically for feeding to pets.

When preparing earthworms for your bearded dragon, make sure to wash them thoroughly to remove any dirt or debris. You can also gut-load them with nutritious foods like leafy greens or carrots to increase their nutritional value.

Feeding Earthworms to Your Bearded Dragon

While earthworms can be a healthy addition to your bearded dragon’s diet, they should be fed in moderation. Too many earthworms can contribute to weight gain and other health issues down the line. As a general rule, earthworms should make up no more than 10% of your bearded dragon’s diet.

In addition, make sure to offer a variety of other foods to ensure your pet is getting a balanced diet. This can include insects like crickets and mealworms, as well as vegetables and fruits.

Overall, earthworms can be a nutritious and safe food option for your bearded dragon if prepared and fed properly. Just make sure to follow these guidelines to ensure your pet stays healthy and happy.

Nutritional Value of Earthworms for Bearded Dragons

If you’re considering feeding earthworms to your bearded dragon, it’s important to understand their nutritional value. Earthworms are a good source of protein, but they lack many essential vitamins and minerals that bearded dragons need to stay healthy. Here are some key nutritional facts about earthworms:

  • Protein: Earthworms are high in protein, which is an essential nutrient for bearded dragons. Protein helps build and repair muscle tissue, and it also supports healthy skin and coat.

  • Fat: Earthworms are relatively low in fat, which is good news for bearded dragons. Too much fat in their diet can lead to obesity and other health problems.

  • Calcium: Earthworms are not a good source of calcium, which is a crucial nutrient for bearded dragons. Without enough calcium, bearded dragons can develop metabolic bone disease, which can be fatal.

  • Vitamins and minerals: Earthworms are not a good source of vitamins and minerals that bearded dragons need, such as vitamin D3, vitamin A, and phosphorus.

Overall, while earthworms can provide some nutritional benefits for bearded dragons, they should not be a staple of their diet. It’s important to offer a variety of foods that provide a balanced mix of protein, vitamins, and minerals.

Benefits of Feeding Earthworms to Bearded Dragons

If you are looking for a nutritious addition to your bearded dragon’s diet, earthworms can be a great option. Here are some benefits of feeding earthworms to your bearded dragon:

1. Rich in Protein

Bearded dragons require a high protein diet, and earthworms are an excellent source of protein. They contain all the essential amino acids that your bearded dragon needs to maintain its health. Feeding earthworms to your bearded dragon can help promote muscle growth and repair, which is essential for their overall health.

2. High in Nutrients

Earthworms are also rich in essential nutrients like calcium, phosphorus, and iron. These nutrients are essential for maintaining strong bones and teeth, and for promoting healthy blood circulation. Feeding earthworms to your bearded dragon can help ensure that they are getting all the essential nutrients they need to thrive.

3. Easy to Digest

Earthworms are easy to digest, which makes them an excellent food source for bearded dragons. They are soft and moist, which means that they can be easily broken down and absorbed by your bearded dragon’s digestive system. This can help prevent digestive issues and ensure that your bearded dragon is getting all the nutrients they need from their food.

4. Promotes Natural Behaviors

Feeding live food like earthworms to your bearded dragon can help promote natural behaviors like hunting and foraging. This can help keep your bearded dragon mentally stimulated and engaged, which is essential for their overall well-being.

In conclusion, feeding earthworms to your bearded dragon can provide a range of benefits. They are rich in protein and essential nutrients, easy to digest, and can help promote natural behaviors. However, it is essential to feed earthworms in moderation and ensure that they are prepared properly to prevent any health issues.

Risks of Feeding Earthworms to Bearded Dragons

If you’re considering feeding earthworms to your bearded dragon, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks. While earthworms can be a good source of protein, vitamins, and minerals for your pet, there are several things to keep in mind.

Firstly, earthworms can carry harmful pathogens such as Salmonella bacteria, which can cause serious illness in both bearded dragons and their owners. Therefore, it’s important to ensure that any earthworms you feed your pet are thoroughly cleaned and cooked before being offered.

In addition to the risk of bacterial infection, earthworms can also be high in fat content. This can be a concern for bearded dragons, as excessive fat intake can lead to weight gain and related health issues such as joint and digestive problems.

Another potential issue with feeding earthworms to bearded dragons is the risk of parasites and pesticides. If earthworms are caught from the wild, they may be exposed to these harmful substances, which can cause health problems for your pet.

Overall, while bearded dragons can eat earthworms, it’s important to do so with caution and in moderation. If you choose to offer earthworms as part of your pet’s diet, make sure to source them from a reputable supplier and take steps to minimize the risk of bacterial infection and other potential health issues.

Preparing Earthworms for Your Bearded Dragon

If you’re planning to feed your bearded dragon earthworms, it’s important to prepare them properly to ensure that they are safe and nutritious for your pet. Here’s how to prepare earthworms for your bearded dragon:

  1. Purchase earthworms from a reputable supplier: This ensures that the worms are parasite-free and safe for your bearded dragon.

  2. Gut-load the earthworms: Feed the worms a nutritious diet for 24-48 hours before offering them to your bearded dragon. This can include fruits, vegetables, and commercial gut-loading diets. This will ensure that the earthworms are packed with nutrients that your bearded dragon needs.

  3. Dust the earthworms with calcium and vitamin supplements: Before feeding the earthworms to your bearded dragon, lightly dust them with a calcium and vitamin supplement. This will help ensure that your pet is getting all the nutrients it needs.

  4. Cut the earthworms into smaller pieces: Depending on the size of your bearded dragon, you may need to cut the earthworms into smaller pieces. This will make it easier for your pet to eat and digest the worms.

  5. Offer the earthworms as an occasional treat: Earthworms should not be a staple in your bearded dragon’s diet. Instead, offer them as an occasional treat, with the best frequency being once or twice per month.

By following these steps, you can prepare earthworms that are safe and nutritious for your bearded dragon. Remember to always supervise your pet while it’s eating and to remove any uneaten food after a few hours.

Feeding Earthworms to Baby Bearded Dragons

If you have a baby bearded dragon, you might be wondering if it’s safe to feed them earthworms. The answer is yes, but there are a few things to keep in mind.

Firstly, make sure the earthworms are small enough for the baby to easily swallow and digest. If the worms are too big, they could cause choking or digestive issues. It’s also important to ensure the worms have been washed and soaked properly before feeding them to your baby bearded dragon.

If your baby bearded dragon is younger than 6 months old, only offer them worms that are no longer than the distance between their eyes. This will ensure they are not too big for your baby to handle.

When feeding earthworms to your baby bearded dragon, it’s important to remember that they should not be the only source of food. Earthworms should be given as a treat and should not make up the majority of their diet. A varied diet of insects, vegetables, and fruits is essential for their health and well-being.

Here are some do’s and don’ts when feeding earthworms to your baby bearded dragon:


  • Offer small earthworms that are no longer than the distance between their eyes.
  • Wash and soak the worms before feeding them to your baby bearded dragon.
  • Feed earthworms as a treat and not the main source of food.


  • Feed earthworms that are too big for your baby bearded dragon to handle.
  • Feed earthworms that have not been washed and soaked properly.
  • Rely solely on earthworms as a source of food for your baby bearded dragon.

In conclusion, feeding earthworms to your baby bearded dragon can be a healthy addition to their diet when done correctly. Follow the do’s and don’ts, adhere to best practices, and use the worms as a treat rather than a staple food item.

Feeding Earthworms to Juvenile and Adult Bearded Dragons

When it comes to feeding earthworms to your bearded dragon, it’s important to consider their age. Juvenile bearded dragons should only be fed earthworms as a treat, and their diet should consist of no more than 30% insects. Adult bearded dragons, on the other hand, can digest earthworms comfortably and can benefit from the nutrients they provide.

Feeding Earthworms to Juvenile Bearded Dragons

If you want to feed earthworms to your juvenile bearded dragon, you should limit it to no more than two worms per feeding session. It’s important to ensure that their diet is well-balanced and not too high in insects, as this can lead to health issues in the long run. You can slice the earthworms into smaller pieces to make them easier for your juvenile bearded dragon to eat.

Feeding Earthworms to Adult Bearded Dragons

Adult bearded dragons can digest earthworms without any problems, and they can be a healthy addition to their diet. To prepare the earthworms for your bearded dragon, follow these steps:

  1. Choose earthworms that are free of pesticides and other harmful chemicals.
  2. Thoroughly wash the earthworms to remove any dirt or debris.
  3. Freeze the earthworms for 24 hours to kill any parasites that may be present.
  4. Defrost the earthworms before feeding them to your bearded dragon.
  5. Hold the earthworms out with your finger for your bearded dragon to eat.

It’s important to note that earthworms should not be the sole source of nutrition for your bearded dragon. They should be given as a supplement to a well-balanced diet that includes a variety of insects, vegetables, and fruits.

In conclusion, bearded dragons can eat earthworms, but it’s important to consider their age and ensure that their diet is well-balanced. Feeding earthworms to your bearded dragon can provide them with additional nutrients, but it should not be the sole source of nutrition. Follow the steps outlined above to prepare the earthworms for your bearded dragon and ensure that they are free of harmful chemicals and parasites.

Where to Get Earthworms for Your Bearded Dragon

If you want to feed your bearded dragon earthworms, it is important to know where to get them. Here are a few options to consider:

Purchase Earthworms from Pet Stores

The best way to get your worms is by purchasing them from a trusted pet store such as Chewy.com. The reason is that pet stores breed and design earthworms as pet food. You can buy earthworms in various sizes ranging from 1/4 inch to 1 inch from the store. Be sure to check the nutritional value of the earthworms before feeding them to your bearded dragon.

Order Earthworms Online

You can also order earthworms online from websites such as Amazon or eBay. However, it is important to make sure that the seller is reputable and that the earthworms are safe for your bearded dragon to eat.

Collect Earthworms from Your Garden

If you have a garden, you can collect earthworms from there. However, it is important to make sure that the earthworms have not been exposed to any pesticides or other harmful chemicals. Be sure to wash and soak the earthworms thoroughly before feeding them to your bearded dragon.

Breed Your Own Earthworms

If you want to ensure that the earthworms your bearded dragon eats are safe and healthy, you can breed your own. There are many resources available online that can help you get started with earthworm breeding.

In conclusion, there are several options available for getting earthworms for your bearded dragon. Whether you purchase them from a pet store, order them online, collect them from your garden, or breed your own, it is important to make sure that the earthworms are safe and healthy for your bearded dragon to eat.

How to Feed Earthworms to Your Bearded Dragon

Feeding earthworms to your bearded dragon is a great way to provide them with a nutritious and tasty meal. Here are some tips on how to feed earthworms to your bearded dragon:

Step 1: Gut-load the Earthworms

Before offering earthworms to your bearded dragon, it’s important to gut-load them. This means feeding them a nutritious diet for 24-48 hours before offering them to your bearded dragon. This will ensure that your bearded dragon gets the most nutritional benefit from the earthworms.

Step 2: Rinse the Earthworms

Clean the earthworms under cool water to remove any dirt or debris. This will help to ensure that your bearded dragon doesn’t ingest any harmful substances.

Step 3: Choose Appropriate-Sized Worms

Select worms that are no bigger than the space between your bearded dragon’s eyes. This will help to ensure that the earthworms are easy for your bearded dragon to swallow and digest.

Step 4: Cut Earthworms into Smaller Pieces

When feeding earthworms to adult dragons, we suggest cutting them up into smaller pieces. This will make it easier for your bearded dragon to eat and digest the earthworms.

Step 5: Offer Earthworms as a Treat

Earthworms should be offered as a treat and not as a staple food source. While they are nutritious, they should be fed in moderation as part of a balanced diet that includes other feeder insects, vegetables, and fruits.

Remember to always supervise your bearded dragon while they are eating and remove any uneaten food after 15-20 minutes to prevent spoilage and bacterial growth. With these tips, you can safely and effectively feed earthworms to your bearded dragon as a tasty and nutritious treat.

Are Hard Boiled Eggs a Safe Alternative to Earthworms for Bearded Dragons?

Bearded dragons and hard boiled eggs can be a safe alternative to earthworms as long as they are given in moderation. Eggs provide a good source of protein for bearded dragons, but they should not be the primary food source. It’s important to offer a variety of foods to ensure a balanced diet for your pet.


In summary, bearded dragons can eat earthworms, but it’s important to do so in moderation and to ensure that they are safe and healthy for your pet. Here are some key takeaways to keep in mind:

  • Earthworms can provide some nutritional benefits to bearded dragons, but they are not a complete or balanced diet on their own. Make sure to include a variety of other foods, such as insects, vegetables, and fruits, to ensure that your pet is getting all the nutrients they need.
  • When feeding your bearded dragon earthworms, it’s important to choose high-quality worms that are free from harmful toxins, pesticides, and other chemicals. Avoid feeding wild-caught earthworms, as they may be contaminated with dangerous substances.
  • While earthworms can be a healthy addition to your bearded dragon’s diet, they should not make up a large portion of their food intake. Too many earthworms can lead to weight-related issues and other health problems if not controlled.
  • Always monitor your bearded dragon’s behavior and health after feeding them earthworms. If you notice any signs of illness or discomfort, such as vomiting, diarrhea, or lethargy, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Overall, earthworms can be a tasty and nutritious treat for your bearded dragon, but it’s important to feed them in moderation and to ensure that they are safe and healthy. With proper care and attention, your pet can enjoy a varied and balanced diet that promotes their health and well-being.

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