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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mice? Feeding Pinkies and Fuzzies

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mice? Feeding Pinkies and Fuzzies

If you’re a bearded dragon owner, you may be wondering if your pet can eat mice. While bearded dragons are primarily insectivores, they can also eat a variety of other foods, including fruits, vegetables, and even small animals like mice. However, there are some important things to consider before feeding your bearded dragon mice.

First and foremost, it’s important to note that mice are not a natural part of a bearded dragon’s diet. In the wild, bearded dragons primarily eat insects and other small invertebrates, with the occasional plant material. While they may occasionally eat small animals like mice, this is not a regular occurrence. As such, feeding your bearded dragon mice should be done with caution, and only on an occasional basis.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mice?

As an omnivore, bearded dragons require a balanced diet of both plant and animal matter. While they are not natural predators of mice, they can eat them. However, it is important to note that mice have high fat and protein levels that are not ideal for bearded dragons. Feeding mice to your bearded dragon should only be done occasionally and with caution.

Benefits of Feeding Mice to Bearded Dragons

Mice can provide a good source of protein for a bearded dragon, but they should not be the primary source of protein in their diet. Feeding mice to your bearded dragon can also help to add variety to their diet, which can help to keep them interested in their food and prevent boredom.

Types of Mice to Feed Bearded Dragons

If you decide to feed mice to your bearded dragon, it is important to choose the right type of mouse. Pinkies, which are newborn mice that have not yet grown fur, are the best option as they are smaller and easier for bearded dragons to swallow and digest. Adult mice should be avoided as they are too large and can cause impaction, a life-threatening problem where the digestive tract becomes blocked.

How to Feed Mice to Bearded Dragons

When feeding your bearded dragon mice, it is important to ensure that the mice are healthy and free from disease. Live mice should be avoided as they can harm your bearded dragon and can also be stressful for the mouse. Frozen mice are a good option as they are easy to store and can be thawed out as needed.

Before feeding your bearded dragon a mouse, it is important to ensure that they are the right size and age. Younger bearded dragons should not be fed mice as they require a more balanced diet that is rich in feeder insects. The temperature of a frozen mouse should also be taken into consideration, as feeding a bearded dragon a mouse that is too cold can irritate their digestive system.

In conclusion, while bearded dragons can eat mice, it should only be done occasionally and with caution. If you decide to add mice to your bearded dragon’s diet, it is important to choose the right type of mouse and ensure that they are healthy and free from disease.

Benefits of Feeding Mice to Bearded Dragons

If you’re looking for a way to add some variety to your bearded dragon’s diet, feeding them mice can be a good option. Here are some benefits of feeding mice to your bearded dragon:

High in Protein

Mice are high in protein, which is an essential nutrient for bearded dragons. Protein helps build and repair tissues, and it also plays a role in many other bodily functions. Feeding your bearded dragon mice can help ensure that they are getting enough protein in their diet.

Enrichment and Mental Stimulation

Feeding your bearded dragon mice can provide them with enrichment and mental stimulation. Hunting and consuming small animals is natural for bearded dragons in the wild, so feeding them mice can help satisfy their natural instincts.


Mice also contain beneficial nutrients such as iron and vitamin B12, which can help support your bearded dragon’s overall health and wellbeing. However, it’s important to note that these nutrients can be found in other, safer protein sources as well.


Feeding your bearded dragon a varied diet is important to ensure that they are getting all of the nutrients they need. Adding mice to their diet can help provide some variety and prevent boredom.

It’s important to note that feeding your bearded dragon mice should be done in moderation. Mice are high in fat, which can lead to obesity and other health issues if fed too often. Feeding your bearded dragon mice should only be done on an occasional basis and should not make up a significant portion of their diet.

When feeding your bearded dragon mice, it’s important to choose the right size. Pinky and fuzzy mice are too small for adult bearded dragons and can pose a choking hazard. Adult mice are a better option for adult bearded dragons, but they should still be fed in moderation.

Overall, feeding your bearded dragon mice can provide some benefits, but it should be done in moderation and as part of a varied diet.

Types of Mice to Feed Bearded Dragons

When it comes to feeding mice to your bearded dragon, there are a few different types of mice to consider. Here are the most common types of mice to feed your bearded dragon:

Pinky Mice

Pinky mice are newborn mice that have not yet grown fur. They are a great option for bearded dragons because they have a lower fat content and a better calcium-to-phosphorus ratio than adult mice. Pinky mice are also small enough for bearded dragons to eat without any issues.

Fuzzy Mice

Fuzzy mice are slightly older than pinky mice and have started to grow fur. They are still a good option for bearded dragons, but they have a slightly higher fat content than pinky mice.

Adult Mice

Adult mice are fully grown and have a higher fat content than pinky and fuzzy mice. While they are still a viable option for bearded dragons, it is important to make sure that the mice are appropriately sized for your bearded dragon to avoid choking or digestive issues.

Frozen Mice

Frozen mice are a safer option than feeding live mice to your bearded dragon. They are available in various sizes, including pinky, fuzzy, and adult mice. Frozen mice are also convenient because you can store them in your freezer until you are ready to feed them to your bearded dragon.

Live Mice

While some bearded dragons may enjoy chasing and catching live mice, there are risks associated with feeding live mice. Live mice can bite and injure your bearded dragon, and they may also carry diseases or parasites. It is generally recommended to avoid feeding live mice to your bearded dragon.

In summary, pinky and fuzzy mice are the best types of mice to feed your bearded dragon due to their lower fat content and better calcium-to-phosphorus ratio. Frozen mice are a safe and convenient option, while live mice should generally be avoided. Make sure to choose mice that are appropriately sized for your bearded dragon to avoid any potential health issues.

Is it Safe to Feed Bearded Dragons Human Food Like French Fries If They Can Eat Mice?

Yes, while bearded dragons can eat mice, it is not safe to feed them human food like french fries. Bearded dragons require a specific diet to maintain their health, and fatty, processed foods like french fries can lead to digestive issues and obesity. Stick to their natural diet for a happy, healthy dragon.

How to Feed Mice to Bearded Dragons

Feeding mice to your bearded dragon can be a great way to supplement their diet with protein and other nutrients. However, it is important to do so in moderation and with proper preparation to avoid potential risks.

How often can bearded dragons eat mice?

Bearded dragons should not eat mice every day. Feeding mice should only be done as a treat or supplement for adult bearded dragons and should never be the sole source of food. Providing a balanced diet consisting of a variety of foods is essential for the health and well-being of your bearded dragon.

Preparing Mice for Feeding

When feeding mice to your bearded dragon, it is important to choose raw or thawed frozen mice from a reputable supplier to reduce the risk of bacterial contamination. The mice should be appropriately sized for your bearded dragon, with pinkies or baby mice aged up to three days old being the best option. Before feeding, warm the mice in lukewarm water and ensure they are not too cold or too warm.

Feeding Mice to Bearded Dragons

When feeding mice to your bearded dragon, it is important to monitor their fat levels and nutrition levels in their diet. Pinkies or baby mice are good for bearded dragons as they have lower fat content and a better calcium-to-phosphorus ratio. You should also ensure that the mouse is no larger than the space between their eyes to avoid choking or digestive issues.

Potential Risks of Feeding Mice to Bearded Dragons

While feeding mice to your bearded dragon can be beneficial, there are potential risks to be aware of. Mice can carry parasites or diseases that could be harmful to a bearded dragon. Additionally, if the mouse is too large, it could be difficult for the bearded dragon to swallow, leading to choking or digestive issues.

In conclusion, feeding mice to your bearded dragon can be a healthy addition to their diet if done correctly and in moderation. Ensure that the mice are prepared and sized appropriately, and monitor your bearded dragon’s fat and nutrition levels. By following these guidelines, you can keep your bearded dragon healthy and happy.

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